Saturday, February 27, 2016

A forever child

A lot of times I try to cover reality with music. But in this instance it only makes things worse, my thoughts of you are only amplified, and my thoughts of us are left searching for reality. It's odd that this time I have nowhere to hide, you make me vulnerable but I like it. You inspire me. I know it was only approximately 7 hours but it's changed everything. I don't think that I'll ever to learn to love someone the same way I love you. You make me want to be a better me, the real me.  I have no intentions of sending this to you but I do need someone to know. That simple kiss on the cheek made my knees go weak and I will never forget how I felt In that moment. I love you. See you in one and a half.

Yours truly,
Benjamin Nevis

Stay a forever child.


  1. "my thoughts of you are only amplified, and my thoughts of us are left searching for reality."
