Sunday, February 28, 2016


I remember the good old days like they were yesterday's leftovers.
Every time I look at them they are one day older and one day further from being fresh.
When I was 4 I learned how to play hopscotch, and when I turned 6 I learned that I had been playing wrong for 2 years.  I found this new acquired knowledge a little unsettling, if I had been having such a damn good time....
What could I be doing wrong?
I found my collection of Pokémon cards yesterday, who thinks they can beat me??



  1. I'll take you on in Pokemon, but my mom gave all mine to my cousins because she thought I was "too old."

  2. "I remember the good old days like they were yesterday's leftovers." Really love this opening line.

    OH AND IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. Also, your playlist rocks. Hooray soufflé for Active Child.

  3. I still don't know exactly how to play hop scotch.
